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If the earth can form these magical, shimmery, crystal formations, I can most certainly make it through my Monday. Thats the entire concept for me, honestly. It's that simple. Yes I love decorating my home with these little shiny treasures, yes my spirit animal is probably a seagull because if it shines, it's mine lol, and yes, I like the learning aspect of what the stones mean. But when it comes down to it, I am truly drawn to crystals for two reasons. 1. It is a soothing reminder of how much bigger the world is than just me. Call it God, the universe, your higher power...doesn't matter. The point is, there is a bigger plan and picture. Just because right now seems hard doesn't mean its going to last forever. You will be okay, I promise. 2. There is something powerful about setting an intention with a physical reminder. Maybe you prefer to set the reminder on your phone. Or you write yourself little sticky notes and post them in your bathroom. For me, setting a thoughtful intention for the way I would like to show up in life, or just in my Monday, is more concrete and grounding if I can link it with something I can hold onto ( such as a shiny little stone). I'm sure there are scientific findings to back up the way we learn and remember using different sensory objects. It only makes sense, right? We all learn and retain information a little differently, and for me personally, this helps big time. So the takeaway from all that... crystals are gorgeous, shimmery reminders that you have control of how you step into the world around you and that you are not alone. everything that comes for you has a purpose and what is yours will not pass you.

Now, I call these crystals adult rock collections because more simply put, that is what they are. It's a little bit whimsical and childlike to select different stones that speak to you in one way or another. It's not even that you necessarily need to collect them by any means, but rather, selecting the ones that you feel drawn is a special way to connect and reflect to what your preferences are and what you need currently in your personal life. Plus, many of us really did collect rocks when we were little, right? We found something unique, and we kept it. Maybe not with the same intention driven purpose, but there was value in the discovery of something naturally alluring.

As promised in the IGTV, the rest of this post will be dedicated to a little about what types of crystals I gravitate towards and where/how I purchase them. When I collected pokemon cards as a kid, it was all about catching them all...#ifyouknowyouknow This however, is not the case with rocks (at least for me). There are absolutely stones that I am most drawn to, and a lot of that has to do with color preference. Neutral color tones and soft pinks are my thing, and I like to use a lot of the pieces we have as decor, so I want them to somewhat match. This is not an unwritten law you have to follow, just a personal preference on my part. If you want to collect them do that boo. When I purchase, I look first at the vibe of the shop. Do I like how they sell their pieces? Do I like the photography, the message, the overall experience? I also look at price point, because honestly, some shops will overprice their stones. As with any retail venue, right? I would 100% rather pay a small shop a little extra to ship than pay for an overpriced piece that I can pick up in store. Again, that's me, and you are more than welcome to do what feels best to you. I do look that shops are ethically sourcing their pieces and that pieces look a certain way. Like I said before, I'm picky. I want to know what I'm getting, and I have a particular enough taste to deter me from buying from certain shops. SOOO with all that, lets break down the details, shall we?



amplify, cleanse, healing


grounding, soothing, restore


manifest, wonder, create


evolve, nourish, intuition


abundance, inspiration, revive



dreamy & intuitive


This shop is located in the United States, so prices are very reasonable and cost of shipping is low if you also live in the US. Her shop motto is "no rules, just crystals" which makes it perfect if you are just starting out and have no idea what to do or where to go. It is a super inclusive vibe, and all her pieces are absolutely gorgeous. Whether you are looking to 'window shop' or actually purchase, her community is great. She also does a great job of educating about the different crystals she offers.


whimsical & lush


This shop is located in the United Kingdom, which makes it a little bit more expensive if you are purchasing from the US. Not only is shipping going to be a bit pricey, the exchange rate does not favor us as well. With that being said, I have never regretted purchasing from her. The crystals are phenomenal, like out of this world. If you need a solid reminder that there is magic happening around you, I highly suggest getting a piece from her. She also does a great job of educating on her website, as well as on her instagram. Her vibe is much more magic based, and focuses on intentional connection with the world around you and the patterns in which the universe is flowing.


chic & modern


This shop is located in Australia, which means if you are in the United States, prices and shipping will seem a little high at first glance. The exchange rate is in our favor though, which makes the price point much more reasonable. Her shop is great if you are really focused on purchasing pieces that will go in your home as decor. The photography is always a little moody and has an edge that you will come back for over and over again. If you are looking to find a drool worthy instagram to follow, this is the one for crystals. You can always tell her pieces are very carefully selected and everything I've received from luminosity is gorgeous.

I would love to hear what crystals are your favorites, or if you have any suggestions as to shops you love! If you have any questions or just want to chat about rocks, you know where to find me

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